
Children's Worlds

Providing Clean Water, Nutrition, Health Care and Education through sustainable development

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Agape Children's FamilyProjects

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celebrating Christmas with community in eastern Uganda

(govmn't tv) - prominent Tv presenter Sendija recognizes efforts done by us in eastern Uganda





celebrating Christmas with community in eastern Uganda

(govmn't tv) - prominent Tv presenter Sendija recognizes efforts done by us in eastern Uganda



On Going Campaign

Its a gift that make a difference

Support Our Mission

Its a gift that make a difference

Our mission is to educate, care, nourish vulnerable children in Uganda

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God, ...for God is love. 1John 4:7-8

We aspire to deliver holistic support to underprivileged children in Uganda, East Africa, addressing their educational, nutritional, and healthcare requirements. We are dedicated to addressing their educational, nutritional, and healthcare needs with a level of excellence that mirrors the esteemed standards set by global philanthropic leaders such as UNICEF, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, and the MacArthur Foundation.

Projects we are focusing on

Feeding Vulnerable Children
Community Reach Out

Stand for Children commits itself to helping students receive a quality education regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or geographic location. The organization engages parents to actively support their children’s education.

At schools, teachers are change makers. So, what happens to student learning when only one in six teachers in a district has proper training? Adequate funding can help teachers develop the skills needed to make a difference.

pig with piglet
pig with piglet
gray and white rabbit on cage
gray and white rabbit on cage

aims to provide sustainable food sources and income generation opportunities for vulnerable families in Uganda through the establishment of piggeries. Pigs chosen for their rapid growth, high reproduction rates, and adaptability to local conditions, making them ideal for improving livelihoods in a relatively short time frame.

aims to provide sustainable food sources and income generation opportunities for vulnerable families in Uganda through the establishment of rabbit farming. Rabbits are chosen for their rapid growth, high reproduction rates, and adaptability to local conditions, making them ideal for improving livelihoods in a relatively short time frame.

Sustainability Projects

Your help is instrumental in transforming lives.